December 2022

Paving the Way to Better Glaucoma Care in Europe

Seasonal Greetings from the EGS President

2022 has been another year of great activity for the EGS. The 15th Congress in Athens (4/6/2022-8/6/2022) was a great success and provided with an inspiring programme covering the newest information on glaucoma surgery, diagnostics and therapy. The Education, Programme Planning and Communications committees have been particularly active, planning the FEBO and FEBOS Examinations, devising stimulating educational courses and congresses, and communicating all the EGS activities through the newsletter and website.
In addition, the Extra-European committee established new collaborative activities with the World Glaucoma Association and other regional Societies including the American Glaucoma Society, the Asia-Pasific Glaucoma Society, and the Middle East Africa Glaucoma Society.
Further and of great importance, ongoing EGS projects first started during 2021 have made great process with significant milestones and great impact during 2022. Task Forces of the Surgery, the Real World Data, the New EGS Fellowship program and the EGS Research priorities projects have been particularly creative and productive. In addition, the Outcomes Committee made very important contributions to the ongoing projects. Finally, during 2022 EGS established the patients initiative, an innovative project involving patients in major EGS projects and activities.
All this activity requires dedication and time and I would like to give a huge “Thank You” to everyone who has given time and energy to achieve the EGS goals. On behalf of the EGS family, please accept our sincerest thanks and best wishes for Happiness during the holidays and throughout the New Year.

Fotis Topouzis
EGS President

The new Fellowship programme is now open
for applications for 2023!

This new project aims to provide candidates who fulfil the EGS requirements here, with high quality glaucoma training within UEMS member countries. This one-year programme is matching standards of theoretical and practical knowledge published on the EGS website (weblink). The final goal of this project is to harmonize glaucoma training across Europe while providing high-quality glaucoma care and building a solid basis for upcoming leaders in the field.

Tip of the Month
Consider glaucoma drainage implant in patients with iridocorneal endothelial syndrome
Contributor: Megir Schawkat, MD FEBO, Glaucoma Fellow, Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, UK

Clinical Paper of the Month

Experimental Paper of the Month

NGP Paper Selection

EGS Members' Meeting - Reykjavík, Iceland, 14-15 July 2023

Registration for the Members' Meeting in Reykjavík opening soon

Click here for meetings with the ‘EGS Likes’ stamp

Due to the COVID pandemic, more meetings will become virtual. The EGS can still promote your meeting with the EGS Likes stamp. For more information click here

Next meetings the "EGS Likes":

10th World Glaucoma Congress (Rome, Italy, 28/06/2023 – 01/07/2023)

Welcome to new EGS members

Dr Amar Almulhim
(Saudi Arabia)
Dr Pieter Bonnemaijer
Dr Liudmila Dolmatova
Ms Chang Liu

Dr Dhakshi Muhundhakumar
(United Kingdom)
Dr Anja Singer
Mr Anthimos Vlavianos
(United Kingdom)
Dr Mihail Zemba

Copyright (C) European Glaucoma Society 2022 All rights reserved. To get in contact with the EGS: